Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Run One Mile for Your Kids in the New Year

Writing a will and planning your estate would be a huge, huge New Year's resolution. It's like resolving to run a marathon; it takes time, persistence, patience, a sense of humor, and soul-searching (indeed, what else is there to do at mile 22?).

But it all starts with mile one. Can you jog one mile? Any runner will tell you that that's the only thing you need to accomplish to build momentum.

Parents, start small. Run the first mile. If you haven't already done so: Decide who will take care of your kids if you're not around to do so. And memorialize it. Here are the steps:

1) Decide who you'd like to raise your children if something happens to you and your co-parent. Pick one person as the first option and then a second person as the second option. (Only designate a person, not a couple -- couples can split up, and then your kids can end up subject to a custody squabble after you're gone and can do nothing about it.)
2) Secure the agreement of these persons.
3) Open a new document on your computer, identify yourself in the document, and then type that, in the event of your death or incapacity, you want the first person, and if unavailable, the second person, to stand as guardian to your children until the children turn 18.
4) Take it to notary and sign it.
5) Make copies and give to affected persons so it can be located.

That's it! This document can be changed and re-notarized as circumstances warrant, and it can be incorporated into any future wills or estate plans.

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  1. That sounds so much easier than "a will" which seems so long and complicated. Thanks for breaking it down for me. Thx Les

  2. So if you leave the runts to your brother, he divorces the wife who is the real parent in the house, then the kids go with him? I didn't even think that far. Back to the drawing board for more soul searching.

  3. We encourage our clients to be as specific as possible in their directives on guardianship. For example, if choice number 1 is divorced or moved to another state or country, then the kids should go to choice number 2. We always also encourage clients to separate the functions of trustee for funds for the kids and guardianship if there is ANY financial issue for the guardian. There is a fine line between a want and a need, and when the same person takes care of the kids and is the keeper of the pennies, there can be a great temptation. (i.e., the kids need a new car to be driven to school in or a nicer house to live in, etc.). Not to mention, the person who is best suited as a parent to your children may not be best suited to manage a trust fund. Great blog, Angie. Thanks for your time! - Tami

  4. Thanks, Tami, for taking a look. I value your comments.
