Monday, January 25, 2010

Memorialize your Online Logins

This blog addresses ways to minimize angst and stress after a death or incapacitation.

A simple housekeeping tip: make sure that others (S.O., family) have a spreadsheet with your account logins for online banking, investment accounts, the mortgage, etc. The spreadsheet should have the name of the financial institution, a short description of the account, the login URL, and your ID and password.

I also like to review each account every quarter and post the amounts in that same spreadsheet, but that's optional. (Excel tip: if you highlight all the amounts in one column and click the Sigma/Autosum icon, it'll add them all up, and you can get a sense of your net worth.)

My friend Sarah hipped me to this service as well -- for a fee, they'll house your financial info as well as all kinds of other online logins, email, photos, videos, and the like:

Free Hit Counters

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